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The School of Music holds the 20th Annual Festival of Contemporary Art Music

The School of Music holds the 20th Annual Festival of Contemporary Art Music. Charles Argersinger, WSU music faculty member and the Festival of Contemporary Art Music’s founding director, was the guest composer at the event.

Music Professor Charles Argersinger and Student at Keyboard
Music Professor Charles Argersinger and Student at Keyboard

WSC reorganizes into 5 colleges and 4 schools

In June 1917, President Holland announces that the institution will reorganize into 5 colleges (Agriculture, Mechanical Arts and Engineering, Science and Arts, Veterinary Science, and Home Economics) and 4 schools (Mines, Education, Pharmacy, and Music and Applied Design), with deans as administrative heads. The College of Home Economics is to be one of the first of its kind in the nation. However, World War I interrupts these plans, delaying implementation of the new structure to the 1919-1920 school year.